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  • 姓名: 矢泽妮可
  • 年龄: 17
  • 生日: 7月22号
  • 血型: A
  • 身高: 154cm
  • 三围: B74 / W57 / H79
  • 最喜欢的食物: 和果子
  • 最讨厌的食物: 辣的东西
  • CV: 徳井青空







学院でもそんな感じなのか?…何のことかわからないにこー♪ 在学校也是这种感觉吗?…什么事请都不知道妮可~

にこって3年生だけど、みんなより若く見えちゃって…それがコンプレックスぅー。 妮可虽然是高三,但是比大家看起来都矮小…好自卑哦

さあ、ファンのみんなが待ってるにこ♪ 好了,粉丝都在等着妮可

春にこ♪じゅ、授業中寝たりしてないよ? (Spring only)

It's spring. ♪ N-No, I didn't sleep through my classes. 

あっつーい!にこの水着に期待してる? (Summer only)

So hot! Are you looking forward to seeing me in a swimsuit? 

矢澤の秋ね!何よ、言ってみただけよ! (Fall only) 矢泽之秋!什么啊,就是随便说说而已。

さ、さぶっ!雪でも降るんじゃないの!? (Winter only)

I-It's freezing! It's going to snow too, isn't it!? 

さあ、にこの可愛さを世界中に広めないと! (SRs/URs, 5AM - 5PM only)

Time to show the world how cute I am! 

お疲れ様でしたぁ!またよろしくおねがいしまーす♪ (SRs/URs, 5PM - 5AM only) 辛苦了!请以后也多多关照

おはようございま~す!今日も元気ににっこにっこにー☆ (URs, 5AM - 11AM only)

Good morning~! Let's give another great big Nico Nico Smile today! ☆ 

どんどんいくにこ♪ (URs, 11AM - 5PM only)

Let's keep going ~nico! ♪ 

疲れた?甘ったれたこと言ってんじゃないわよ! (URs, 5PM - 11PM only)

You're tired? Stop being so whiny! 

もう寝なきゃダメにこ!おやすみなさい、にこの夢を見て素敵な夜を♪ (URs, 11PM - 5AM only)

Go to sleep already ~nico! Good night, and have sweet dreams of Nico! ♪ 

やぁん!この衣装恥ずかしいー (Transformed Smile R only)

No! This outfit is so embarrassing. 

みんなのハートに、にこにこにー、届けちゃうよ♪ (Transformed Pure R, promo cards only)

I'll send a Nico Nico Smile to everyone's hearts. ♪ 

スクールアイドルの高み…そこに立ってみせるわ! (Transformed Cool R, promo cards only)

The heights of a school idol... I'll stand atop them! 

しっかり準備はできてる? (Untransformed SR #63, SR #117, UR #118 only)

Are you all prepared? 

クマちゃん可愛いー。にこの方が可愛い?やーん♪ (Transformed SR #63 only)

This teddy bear is so cute. Oh, you think I'm even cuter? Don't say that~♪ 

少しは頼りにしてるんだから……頑張ってよね (High kizuna, transformed SR #63, SR #117, UR #118 only)

I'm sort of relying on you, so... do your best. 

キャー!セクシーだからってそんな見ちゃだめー♪ (Untransformed SR #90 only)

Kyaa! Just because I'm so sexy doesn't mean that you can stare at me that much. 

ぱ…ぱ…ぱ……パンダってなんて鳴くの……? (Transformed SR #90 only)

Pa... pa... pa... What sound does a panda make...? 

ちょっと!飼育係に命じたんだから最後までちゃんとにこの面倒みなさいよ? (High kizuna, transformed SR #90 only)

Hey! You're supposed to be raising me, so you have to take care of me until the end, okay? 

にこを遊びに連れてってほしいなー? (Untransformed SR #100 only)

I want you to take me out somewhere. 

ふふん♪やっぱりにこの知的さは隠せないわよね。……何よその眼 (Transformed SR #100 only)

Hehe. ♪ It's really hard to hide my intelligence. ...What's with that look on your face? 

にこの個人レッスン受けてみる?……特別なんだから (High kizuna, transformed SR #100 only)

Do you want me to teach you personally? ...Because you're special. 

今年は電動かき氷器をゲットする予定なの。食べに来てもいいわよ? (Untransformed SR #154 only)

I plan on getting a shaved ice maker this year. You can come over and have some if you want. 

ほら、射的に行くわよ。くぅーっ、狩人の血が騒ぐっ! (Transformed SR #154 only)

Come on, let's go to the shooting range. My hunter's blood is boiling! 

にこが少し大人になったかどうか……確かめてみる? (High kizuna, transformed SR #154 only)

Do you want to check... whether I've grown up a bit or not? 

運動着は動きやすいから、結構好きよ。もっとかわいければ、にこにもーーっと似合うのにな~っ♪ (Untransformed SR #171 only) 运动服的话活动起来比较方便,所以挺喜欢的。如果衣服能再可爱一点的话,妮可也能穿的更漂亮呢

はあ、はあ……疲れた……っ で、でも運動出来ないわけじゃないから。短距離型なのよ……多分 (Transformed SR #171 only)

*pant, pant* ...I'm so tired... B-But it's not like I'm not athletic. I'm just suited to short distances... probably. 

あなたも競技に出てきなさいよ。あなたがどーーーしてもって言うなら、にこが応援してあげる♪ (High kizuna, transformed SR #171 only)

You should participate too. If you reaaaaally need me to, I'll even cheer for you. ♪ 

下ごしらえはまとめてやっておくと便利よ。多めに青菜を茹でておけば、次の日も使えるでしょ? (Untransformed SR #179 only)

It's convenient to do all the prep work at once. If you boil more vegetables one day, you can use them the next too. 

にこみたいに要領がよくないと、短時間で一汁三菜の食事を作るのは難しいわね (Transformed SR #179 only)

If you don't have the basics down like I do, it's hard to make a full-blown meal in a short amount of time. 

あのね、いいお嫁さんになるって言っても相手が必要なのよ?ちゃんと分かってるんでしょうね? (High kizuna, transformed SR #179 only)

Even though you said that I'd make a good wife, I can't be one without a husband. Do you understand? 

クリスマスプレゼントねえ…… 別に高価な物をあげればいいってもんじゃないわよね (Untransformed SR #195 only)

A Christmas present, huh...? It's not as simple as picking out something expensive, you know. 

ええっ!?あなた……まさか1人でクリスマス過ごすんじゃないでしょうね? (Transformed SR #195 only)

Ehh!? You're not... spending Christmas alone, right? 

バカね。あなたが1人でクリスマス過ごすわけないじゃない。……にこがいるんだから (High kizuna, transformed SR #195 only)

Stupid. You're not spending Christmas alone. ...I'm here after all. 

寒くても、それを口にはしないの。なぜならにこは、誇り高きアイドルだから☆ (Untransformed SR #213 only)

Even if I'm cold, I keep it to myself because I'm a proud idol. ☆ 

にっこにっこにー♪今年もよろしくにこにー☆にこにーの晴れ着姿に、クラッときちゃった? (Transformed SR #213 only)

Nico Nico Smile~♪ Happy new year ~nico☆ Are you stunned by my traditional look? 

やだ!ちゃんとにこの隣にいなさいよ!……にこを放っておかないで。寂しくなるじゃない (High kizuna, transformed SR #213 only)

No! Stay right beside me! ...Don't leave me alone. I'll get lonely. 

あ、それ取らないで。にこのおもちだから。ここにあれの、全部にこのおもちだもん (Untransformed SR #217 only)

Ah, don't take that. That's my mochi. All the mochi here is my mochi. 

あけおめ~☆ ことよろ~☆ 幸せのシンボルにこにーが、新年のご挨拶に来てあげたよぉ♪ (Transformed SR #217 only)

Happy New Year~☆ The symbol of happiness Nico-nii is here to give some New Year's greetings! ♪ 

ちゃんと来年も、にこのおせち食べに着てよね? ……待ってるんだから (High kizuna, transformed SR #217 only)

Make sure you come eat my New Year's food next year too, okay? ...I'll be waiting. 

売れ残りの雛様って、ちょっとかわいそう。みんな誰かのおうちに行けるといいんだけど (Untransformed SR #267 only)

I feel a bit sorry for the unsold dolls. I hope that all of them can find a home. 

ねえ……十二単ってこんなに重いの? にこ、1歩も動けないかも…… (Transformed SR #267 only)

Hey... Are ceremonial kimonos supposed to be this heavy? I don't think I can walk even a single step... 

キュートなポーズでみんなを魅了しちゃうにこだし、お嫁さんだって似合っちゃうわよね♪ (High kizuna, transformed SR #267 only)

I'm able to charm people with my cute poses, so I'm sure that I'll be the perfect bride. ♪ 

この時期は睡魔との戦いになるわ…… あれはまさに魔物ね (Untransformed SR #271 only)

This time of the year is a battle against drowsiness... It's truly a demon. 

お花のピンクとか~、黄色とか~、にこにー似合い過ぎちゃってどうしようって感じよね? (Transformed SR #271 only)

Don't you think that the pink and yellow of the flowers fit me too well? 

にこってスイートエンジェルだし、あなたのハートなんか簡単に撃ち抜いちゃうんだろうな~♪ (High kizuna, transformed SR #271 only)

I'm a sweet angel after all, so I'm sure I can easily get to your heart~ ♪ 

ビタミンいっぱい、ラブいっぱいのにこにーです♪ (Untransformed SR #295 only)

Nico Smile is full of vitamins and love. ♪ 

果物モチーフっていうのは、スクールアイドルとしてもなかなかいいとこついてるわよね♪ (Transformed SR #295 only)

I think this fruit theme matches school idols pretty well. ♪ 

ひっ、そ、そんな近づかないでよ。ドキドキしちゃうでしょ (High kizuna, transformed SR #295 only)

Eep, d-don't come so close. You're making my heart race. 

ルームウェアには~、着心地だけじゃなくて、キュートさも必要だと思うんです~☆ (Untransformed SR #321 only)

I think that roomwear should be cute as well as comfortable~ ♪ 

か、かわいい……♪ こんなにかわいい衣装が着られるなんて、嬉しいな…… (Transformed SR #321 only)

S-So cute...♪ I'm so happy that I get to wear such a cute outfit... 

オオカミに食べられるとか、洒落にならないわよね…… あなた、にこのこと絶対守りなさいよ? (High kizuna, transformed SR #321 only)

I can't joke about getting eaten by a wolf... You'll definitely protect me, right? 

色つきリップをつけると、大人になった感じにこ♪ 口紅じゃないのかって? ……ほっといてよ (Untransformed SR #329 only)

Adding some color to my lips make it seem like I've become an adult ~nico♪ 'That's just lipstick'? ...Leave me alone. 

あなたのことずっと待ってるんだから、早く来なさいよね (Transformed SR #329 only)

I've been waiting for you all this time, so hurry up. 

にこのウェディングドレス姿がそんなに嬉しいの?照れるから……そんなに嬉しそうにしないでよ (High kizuna, transformed SR #329 only)

Are you really that happy to see me in a wedding dress? You're making me blush, so... stop grinning like that. 

人気出過ぎちゃったらどうしよう!? (Untransformed UR #66 only)

What'll I do if I get too popular!? 

この振りは……こうね!ちょっと!ノックぐらいしてよ!! (Untransformed UR #66 only)

This dance move goes like... that! Hey! Can't you knock before coming in!? 

にこはー、いつも通りやってるだけでー♪ (Transformed UR #66 only)

I'm just doing what I always do~ ♪ 

別にあなたのおかげってわけじゃ……手ぐらいなら……繋いであげる (High kizuna, transformed UR #66 only)

It's not like this is thanks to you or anything... Well, I guess I could... hold your hand. 

あっつー……あなた、にこの日よけになりなさいよね (Untransformed UR #127 only)

It's so hot... Hey you, come shade me from the sun. 

にこだってそれなりには?多少は出るとこ出てるっていうか?……何よその目は (Transformed UR #127 only)

How would I describe myself? I'm pretty honest and innocent, right? ...What's with that look? 

あなたの手をにぎっていると……ドキドキして、それなのに落ち着くの。なんか……ヘンなの (High kizuna, transformed UR #127 only)

When I hold your hand... my heart skips a beat, and yet I still feel calm. It's... strange. 

さむっ……今日さむっ……でもおしゃれのためには我慢も必要よ! (Untransformed UR #250 only)

Cold... It's cold today... But I have to bear it for the sake of fashion! 

もうすぐバレンタインなの? あーん、にこにー忙しくなっちゃうなぁ♪ (Transformed UR #250 only)

It's almost Valentine's Day, you know? Ahh, I'm going to be so busy. ♪ 

にこがあげるチョコは一つだけなんだから……大事にしなさいよね (High kizuna, transformed UR #250 only)

This is the only chocolate I'm giving out this year, so... make sure you treasure it. 


え~、やだ、なんですか~? Eh~ No way, what are you doing~?

お呼びですかご主人様? 主人,你是在叫我吗

な、何すんのよ!……に、にっこにこにー。 Wh-What are you doing!? ...N-Nico Nico Smile~

何かありましたあ? Did something happen?

きゃー、くすぐったいー。 Kyaa, that tickles!

も~だめですよぉ~。 Geez~ You can't do that~

なに気安く触ってんのよ! Why are you touching me without permission!?


I'll help you out. ♪ 

人がいるところでこれはちょっと…… (High kizuna, transformed URs/SRs only)

There are other people here, so this is a bit... 

もうー仕方ない人なんだからー (High kizuna, transformed URs/SRs only)

Geez, you're hopeless. 

ちょ、ちょっと!さすがにそれは恥ずかしいわよ! (High kizuna, transformed URs/SRs only)

H-Hey! That's really embarrassing, you know! 


ストーリーを選ぶにこ♪ (Story screen)

Choose a story ~nico. ♪ 

にこばかりじゃなくて他の部員もかまってあげてね? (Club members screen)

Make sure you take care of the other members of the club too. 

LPはラブカストーンを使って回復できるにこ♪ (Shop screen)

Loveca stones can be used to replenish your LP ~nico. 

お友達は大切にしないとダメにこ。 (Friends screen)

You have to treasure your friends ~nico. 


プレゼントがあるって!やっぱりにこは人気者ねー!! (有礼物时)

Presents! As I thought, I'm super popular!! 

特別練習、しよ? (能特训时) 进行特训吧?

新しい情報…?まさかにこの知られざる姿が!? (有未读消息时)

New news...? Could it be that my secret identity was revealed!? 

にこと一緒にもうちょっと練習がんばろっ? (有剩余LP时)

Will you practice with me for a little longer? 

まだ読んでないストーリー、早く見るにこー! (有未读剧情时)

You have stories you haven't read. Hurry up and read them ~nico! 

さあ、勧誘するわよ! (有每日免费招募时)

All right, we're doing some recruiting! 

イベント?そんなのにこがいなかったら始まらないよね~! (有活动时)

An event? That can't start without me~! 

にこのためにー、目標をクリアしてほしいなぁ? (When there are incomplete goals)

Clear those goals for me, okay? 

さあ、ライブの時間だよー! (When there are new live stages)

It's time for our live! 


まさか、にこのこと忘れたりしてないよねー? Don't tell me that you've forgotten about me.

ちょっと!にこをほったらかしとかどういうことよ! Hey! Why are you neglecting me!?

ちょっと!にこは人気者なのよ!どっか行っちゃうわよ! (Transformed SR #90 only)

Hey! I'm popular, you know! Where did you go!? 

せーっかくイロイロ教えてあげようと思ってたのにぃ~♪ (Transformed SR #100 only)

I have so many things I want to teach you~ ♪ 

も!う!そっごーーく待ってたのにぃ~ (SR #154, untransformed UR #66 only)

Geez! I've been waiting for soooo long~ 

ずっと離さないって言ったのに~っもっと近くに来なさいよねっ (High kizuna, transformed SR #154 only)

You said you'd never leave me~ Come closer! 

運動が苦手でも大丈夫だよ~?にこの応援があれば、百人力だし☆ほら、早くやりましょ♪ (High kizuna, transformed SR #171 only)

It's okay if you're not athletic~ You'll have the strength of a hundred people if I cheer for you. ☆ Come on, hurry up and go! ♪ 

にこの手料理が食べられるなんて、あなた、世界でいっちばーーーん幸せ者なのよ。分かってんの? (High kizuna, transformed SR #179 only)

You're the luckiest person in the world since you were able to eat my home cooking, you know? 

まだDVD半分も見終わってないんですけどぉ~!?椅子置いといてあげるから早く座んなさいよ (High kizuna, transformed SR #195 only)

We're only halfway through this DVD! I'll let you have the chair, so hurry and sit down. 

あーあ……一人になっちゃった。あなたがいない、いつもの生活だわ (High kizuna, transformed SR #213 only)

Ahh... I'm alone now. Back to my usual life without you. 

にこのおせち食べないの? 小分けしておくから、持っていきなさいよ (High kizuna, transformed SR #217 only)

You're not going to eat my New Year's food? I'll share it with you, so come have some. 

にこがお雛様なら、お内裏様なんていらないわよね~ にこはみんなのにこだもの♪ (High kizuna, transformed SR #267 only)

If I'm a girl doll, I don't need a boy doll~ Nico belongs to everyone after all. ♪ 

やっぱりあなたのハートに挑戦、なんてやめとこっかな~ (High kizuna, transformed SR #271 only)

Maybe I'll give up on capturing your heart after all~ 

あなたって移り気な人なんだから (High kizuna, transformed SR #295 only)

You're so fickle. 

ちょっと! 悪いオオカミから守ってくれるんじゃないの~!? (High kizuna, transformed SR #321 only)

Hey! Aren't you going to protect me from the big bad wolf~!? 

何でにこを置いていくのよ~2人でイメージ合わせしたからバッチリだって思ったのにっ (High kizuna, transformed SR #329 only)

Why did you leave me~? I thought we looked perfect together! 

放っておかれて寂しかったんだからぁ~ (Transformed UR #66, transformed UR #127 only)

It's lonely when I'm being neglected~ 

……この手を離しちゃいやなんだから (High kizuna, transformed UR #66 only)

...I don't want you to let go of my hand. 

あなたがそばにいないと……心がチクンってして、悲しいの。にこ……待ってるんだからね (High kizuna, transformed UR #127 only)

When you're not around... I feel a sad pain in my heart. I'm... waiting for you. 

チョコのお返し待ってるから、よろしくね♪ (High kizuna, transformed UR #250 only)

I'm waiting for you to give me chocolate too. ♪ 
